#014 Arnob Mukherjee

Discover the products that Arnob uses to run his AI-powered feedback platform


Happy Thursday! It’s time to do a deep dive into the life and tech stack of some of the coolest founders out there.

In today’s edition, we have Arnob Mukherjee (AKA Dada) , co-founder of Olvy, an AI-powered feedback management platform designed for Product Managers and UX Researchers.


Arnob Mukherjee (AKA Dada)

👋 My name is Arnob, and I am one of the Co-Founders of Olvy, a cutting-edge AI-powered feedback management tool designed specifically for Product Managers and UX Researchers.

At Olvy, we aim to help product builders stay closely connected with their customers by turning qualitative customer feedback into actionable insights. Since our first launch on ProductHunt in June 2023, we’ve successfully onboarded over 40+ customers who’ve analyzed millions of feedback points till now using Olvy to make informed product decisions efficiently.

One of our significant milestones is the recent launch of Olvy 3.0, which introduced game-changing features such as a unified feedback repository, video feedback integration, and the world’s first AI Auto Listener that filters out noise and brings valuable feedback in one place.

With this release, our users have already experienced a 65% enhancement in productivity, saving 5-6 hours weekly and speeding up feedback analysis by 50%.


Arnob’s Stack

AI tools used at Olvy

At Olvy, we use several advanced AI tools to deliver top-notch services. We use OpenAI's language models, including fine-tuned GPT-3 Turbo for various natural language understanding and generation tasks. For more complex tasks, we rely on GPT-4 for its advanced performance and deeper insights.

We also use Portkey as a caching and observability layer to ensure our interactions with these models are fast and reliable. Along with that, we also use vector embeddings from SentenceTransformers for tasks like semantic search, clustering, and text classification.

Tools for writing code

At Olvy, we use a robust set of tools to support our code development and engineering processes, ensuring efficiency, reliability, and team collaboration. Our primary programming language is Go, which we use for its performance, simplicity, and strong concurrency support.

It enables us to build scalable, high-performance applications that meet our business requirements. For our integrated development environment (IDE), we rely on Visual Studio Code (VS Code). It’s a versatile and powerful tool that provides a range of extensions and integrations, enhancing our productivity and streamlining our coding workflows. Its user-friendly interface and robust features make it an ideal choice for our development teams.

We use GitHub for version control and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD). It allows us to manage our code repositories, track changes, and collaborate effectively with team members. Its CI/CD capabilities enable us to automate testing and deployment processes, ensuring that our code is consistently of high quality and rapidly deployed to production.

For frontend testing, we use Playwright, a robust tool that allows us to perform end-to-end testing across different browsers. It helps us ensure that our web applications function correctly and consistently, providing a seamless user experience.

SaaS tools used at Olvy

At Olvy, we use our own product, Olvy, for two main purposes. First, we listen to customer feedback from Crisp, Google Meet, Slack Connect, and internal Slack conversations. We consolidate all the qualitative data from these platforms in Olvy and then create tickets from Olvy to Linear. Second, we maintain our changelog at Olvy Releases.

For project management, we use Linear to track tasks, manage sprints, and ensure that our projects are on track. Slack is our go-to tool for team communication and collaboration. Plausible Analytics provides us with valuable insights into our website’s performance. MailerLite is used for our email marketing campaigns, allowing us to reach our audience effectively with updates and promotional content. Additionally, we use Framer for our website development.